Farmer’s Market

The Market Square Farmer's Market gives local and regional farmer's, bakers, cooks and entrepreneurs an opportunity to sell their goods. The Farmer's Market in Reidsville is an institution and has been in operation for 30 years. Since building Market Square, it has expanded to include all types of farmers, bakers, artisans and more. Open April 29 through October 28, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from 7:00 am- 1:00 pm, there is no reason you should not have fresh local produce! Support your local businesses and farmers!

When you swipe your EBT Card at the Farmer's Market, you will be given double your amount spent (up to $10)!
For example: You swipe your card for $5, and you will be given $5 worth of EBT Tokens and an addition $5 in Fresh Bucks, giving you $10 total to spend. You can receive up to $10 of Fresh Buck tokens each day - you don't have to use them all at once, they are good until the end of the season!